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Wood furniture restoration in West-Bridgford

Have you recently found an old piece of wooden furniture in your home? Would you like to restore it to its former glory? If so, you’re going to be looking for wood furniture restoration experts in West-Bridgford?

At Checkatrade, our member database includes a selection of wood furniture restoration specialists working in West-Bridgford.

Scroll up to the top of the page to find your search results for Checkatrade wood furniture restoration specialists near you.

Or, you can also use our simple request a quote system to contact qualified experts offering wood furniture restoration services in your area.

  • What is the best way to restore wood furniture?

    The best place to start when restoring wood furniture is to carefully clean it with non-abrasive products.

    Remove all dirt and grime, repair any cracks with wood filler and apply a gel stain or varnish.

    If wood furniture is in a poor condition, you may also need to sand it down or use a chemical substance to remove the existing finish.

    It can then be repainted or revarnished to your liking.

  • How do you restore wood furniture without sanding it?

    The best way to restore wood furniture without sanding is by thoroughly cleaning it and repairing any damaged areas.

    Start by removing any hardware. Next, wipe on mineral spirits to clean the surface. Pay particular attention to any white rings and fill any crack or holes with wood filler.

    Once you are happy with the wood’s appearance, apply a gel stain to bring out the wood’s natural wood grain and create a protective surface layer.

    Finally, you can apply a layer of varnish or run on beeswax for a more natural protective finish.

  • How can you restore old wood furniture yourself?

    As long as the wood furniture is not severely damaged, with a bit of effort you can successfully restore wood furniture yourself.

    Simply follow the steps above to achieve an attractive rejuvenated finish to your wood furniture.

  • How much does wood furniture restoration cost?

    This depends on the type of furniture and the extent of any restoration work.

    In general, you can expect to pay anywhere from £70 to £300 to restore wood furniture.

    Take a look at our furniture repair cost guide for more information.

  • How do you restore wood furniture when it has been damaged by water?

    There are several methods to try to treat wood furniture that has been damaged by water.

    A mixture of baking soda and toothpaste rubbed into the stain can help to lighten the area.

    Other methods include rubbing mineral spirits, lemon juice or oxalic acid into the stain.

    If you have tried these methods but the stain persists, you may need to sand down the area with sandpaper.

    Once smooth and the stain has disappeared, you can apply a new layer of varnish or protective stain to the wood to create a fully restored finish.