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Asbestos services in Dalton-in-Furness

There are plenty of good local asbestos services in Dalton-in-Furness who come well recommended by your neighbours.

We have two quick and easy ways to find a reliable local asbestos testing and asbestos collection services near you:

  1. Search for local builders in Dalton-in-Furness and contact them yourself

  2. Use our handy request a quote feature and we’ll find them for you – tell us what you need doing, we’ll reach out to recommended asbestos services in your area and they'll contact you directly.

  • How much does asbestos testing cost?

    Asbestos is one of those dreaded words that no homeowner or landlord wants to hear, but it’s important that when buying a property that you make sure you have an asbestos survey one – especially if the property was built in the 1960s or 1970s.

    The costing of testing for asbestos in the UK will vary depending on the size, age and condition of the property. To find out more about asbestos, check out our guide about asbestos in the home. And to read more about asbestos testing costs in the UK, we’ve put together our guide on asbestos survey costs.

    Asbestos survey costs

    Here are some of the average asbestos survey costs in Dalton-in-Furness that you can expect to pay, including domestic asbestos survey costs and surveys for commercial properties:

    • Management survey for 2-3 bedroom property – £150 - £350

    • Management survey of shop with flat above – £250 - £400

    • Management survey of commercial property – £200- £600

    • Demolition or refurbishment survey of properties listed above – £100 - £200

    Asbestos removal costs

    If you’ve found asbestos in your property and you need to have it removed, you’ll need to hire a professional to ensure that the work is carried out safely and efficiently. Here are some of the average asbestos removals costs in the UK:

    • Asbestos roof removal – £200 - £2,500

    • Asbestos removal survey – £200

    • Asbestos encapsulation – £8 per m2

    • Domestic asbestos removal – £50 per m2

    • Artex asbestos removal – £250 per 20m2

    • Asbestos tile removal – £50 per m2

    • Asbestos garage roof removal – £500 - £2,000

    Quotes for asbestos surveys and removal costs

    To get accurate asbestos survey and removal costs in your area, we always recommend getting at least three quotes from local tradespeople near you. By shopping around you can make sure you're paying a fair and competitive price for the work.

    Thankfully, our request a quote tool makes getting multiple quotes super easy. Simply post details about the work that you need help with and we’ll send it out to the best local asbestos specialists in your area, who will contact you directly. Try it out – it's quick and easy!

  • How do you take a sample for asbestos testing?

    If you want or need to take a sample for asbestos testing, our first recommendation would be to hire professional UKAS-accredited asbestos testing services in the UK to take the sample for you. Handling asbestos can be extremely hazardous and poses a health risk when disturbed, so involving an expert is always advisable.

    How to take a sample for asbestos testing

    If a piece of material that you think may contain asbestos has already broken off, you may be able to take the sample yourself – as long as there’s no risk of you spreading debris or exposing yourself to asbestos dust.

    Here’s a summary of what to do:

    1. Take care when walking on or around the sample material

    2. Dampen the sample

    3. Place the sample into a self-sealing polythene bag and seal it

    4. Put that bag into a second self-sealing bag and seal it

    5. Label the sample with the date and a description

    6. Organise for the sample to be sent to a UKAS-accredited asbestos testing service

    Need help with asbestos?

    Whether you need to book an asbestos survey or you have asbestos that needs removing, it’s always helpful to get advice from local asbestos survey services or asbestos removal services before you get started.

    Find the best local asbestos specialists near you with our quick and easy online search. Or request a quote and we’ll reach out to multiple local tradespeople for you and they’ll get in touch with you directly.

  • What is an asbestos survey?

    When buying a property that was built before the year 2000, there’s a possibility that the building may contain asbestos within the materials of the building structure. For that reason it’s crucial that you organise an asbestos survey to check that no asbestos is present – or, if it is present, to remove the asbestos safely and securely.

    Asbestos survey services

    There are typically three main types of asbestos survey in the UK that are in line with Health and Safety Executive (HSE) guidelines, and they are:

    • Management – This is the standard type of asbestos survey, which is used for the purpose of managing asbestos within a building in a situation where no remedial works will need to be carried out.

    • Demolition – Mainly carried out on older properties, a demolition asbestos survey is extremely intrusive and will involve the asbestos surveyors making damage as they need to in order to see exactly what the building is made from.

    • Refurbishment – A refurbishment asbestos survey is carried out ahead of any intrusive work, so would typically be done ahead of a demolition survey. The refurbishment survey would identify what works will be needed and which areas of the property will be damaged during the inspection.

    Want to speak to asbestos survey experts in Dalton-in-Furness?

    Sometimes it helps to have a quick chat with local asbestos survey companies to understand what options are available in your area and how much they’ll cost.

    If you’re ready to reach out to local asbestos services in the UK, you’re in the right place. We can help you find the best tradespeople in your area with our quick and easy online search – or request a quote and we’ll get multiple local asbestos experts to contact you directly.

  • Which type of asbestos survey would be needed if you are moving your office to a new location?

    Similar principles apply to commercial properties as they do to domestic properties – if you’re dealing with a building that was constructed before 2000 then you need to carry out an asbestos survey.

    The type of asbestos survey that needs to be carried out depends on what you’re planning on doing with the new office building. Here’s a summary of which survey might be the most appropriate for your office move:

    1. Your new office was built after 2000 – You probably don’t need to worry about an asbestos survey (but it’s always worth double checking with a local asbestos survey expert just to be safe)

    2. Your new office was built pre-2000 and you don’t plan on doing any construction work – You’ll need a management asbestos survey to ensure that the building is fit for normal occupation of a building and that any potential asbestos is being safely managed.

    3. Your new office was built pre-2000 and you do plan on doing construction work – You’ll need to organise a refurbishment and demolition asbestos survey before carrying out any construction work in the building (unless you have evidence to prove that there is definitely no asbestos present, due to prior removal or other evidence).

    Find the best local asbestos services

    If you’re keen to get started with your home improvement or commercial development project and need asbestos services, we can help you find the best local asbestos survey and removal companies near you – including those who come highly recommended by your neighbours.

    You can either use our quick and easy online search to find and contact local asbestos services yourself. Or, alternatively, request a quote and we’ll do the legwork for you by reaching out to the best local asbestos specialists near you and we’ll get them to contact you directly.

  • How often should an asbestos survey be carried out?

    When dealing with asbestos surveys, you will need to repeat a survey if asbestos has previously been found in the building but not removed or dealt with – which does often happen. Often disturbing asbestos can be worse than leaving it intact.

    That said, if asbestos has been identified in a commercial property and is being managed with an asbestos management plan then the building must be inspected regularly. However, rather than the survey itself, it’s actually the asbestos management plan that needs to be updated regularly.

    If, at any point, you plan to carry out any work on a property (either domestic or commercial) that you know contains asbestos, you’ll need to carry out a more detailed refurbishment or demolition asbestos survey – which is typically valid for 12 months, unless you take action to deal with the asbestos in the interim.

    Want to find out more about local asbestos removal services?

    When planning a project that requires testing for or dealing with asbestos, it’s important to speak to local asbestos services in the UK to understand what’s involved, what action might be needed and how much it will cost.

    Local companies that offer professional asbestos services should be well versed in carrying out asbestos surveys, presenting the findings and advising on the best next steps. When hiring an asbestos survey and/or removal company, it’s important to choose a reputable business with relevant experience and an excellent track record with previous customers.

    Keen to get started? Search for the best local asbestos companies in Dalton-in-Furness and get in touch with them yourself. Alternatively, you can get multiple quotes from local asbestos specialists by using our request a quote feature – simply post details of what you need and we’ll get reliable local tradespeople to contact you directly.