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Gas boiler servicing in Inverbervie

If the time has arrived for your yearly gas boiler service, then you’ve landed in the right place to find a professional to service your boiler.

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  • Is it worth servicing a gas boiler?

    Regular boiler servicing is definitely recommended, as it can extend the lifespan of your boiler and help you identify issues before they cause a breakdown.

    Servicing can also ensure your boiler is operating at maximum efficiency, which can save you money on your monthly bills.

    In the UK, landlords are required to service boilers at least every year, but it’s not a legal requirement for homeowners. That said, the boiler manufacturer may require regular servicing to keep the warranty valid.

  • What happens if I don’t service my boiler?

    Not servicing your boiler can cause several issues, including reducing its lifespan, reducing its efficiency and potentially creating a safety hazard.

    The risk of breakdowns also increases when you don’t regularly service your boiler, which could leave you without heat and cost you money in repairs.

    Lastly, failing to service your boiler could invalidate your warranty, making repairs much more expensive.

  • How often should a gas boiler be serviced?

    Ideally your boiler serviced once a year. This ensures the safety and effectiveness of the appliance. Servicing during the summer is typically a good idea, as you’ll be less reliant on the system with the weather being warmer.

  • How do I know if my gas boiler needs servicing?

    There are a few ways to recognise whether your boiler is due to be serviced, including:

    • You haven’t had it serviced in over a year

    • Your energy bills have increased

    • Your house isn’t heating up as well

    • You hear unusual noises coming from the boiler

    • You spot leaks

    • The boiler shuts down by itself

    • The boiler is old

    If in doubt, contact a gas boiler servicing company to see if your boiler is overdue for some maintenance.

  • How much does it cost to service a gas boiler?

    The average cost of boiler servicing is about £100. You can also get insurance coverage for your boiler, which costs around £240, but this covers breakdowns as well as annual servicing.