
Gas Central Heating Boiler Replacement in Millom (3)

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Gas boiler replacement companies in Millom

Are you looking for qualified gas boiler replacement companies in Millom? If so, you’ve come to the right place.

To find the best gas boiler replacement companies in your area, Checkatrade can help.

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  • What should I replace my old gas boiler with?

    There are many modern alternatives to gas boilers, and with the UK government looking to phase out gas boiler usage, it makes sense to look to more sustainable options. Here are some replacements to consider:

    1. Electric boilers. These can run much more efficiently than gas boilers, but they can be expensive depending on electricity prices. To make your electric boiler even more eco-friendly, choose an energy supplier that uses renewable electricity

    2. Air source heat pumps. These energy devices take heat from the air outside and transfer it into your home, and they do the same in reverse during hotter months. They’re almost entirely renewable and have an extremely high energy efficiency rate

    3. Ground source heat pumps. Like air source heat pumps, ground source heat pumps take heat from beneath the earth and transfer it into your home, and they can do the same in reverse. While more expensive than air source heat pumps, they’re even more efficient

    4. Biomass boilers. Biomass boilers burn wood pellets and other forms of biomass to produce energy. While considered carbon neutral, they do emit some carbon dioxide

    5. Solar thermal panels. Unlike regular solar panels, these turn solar energy directly into heat instead of electricity, which is stored in a water tank. They’re a supplementary device at the moment, as they can’t produce all your hot water with the inconsistent amounts of sunlight we get in the UK

    When choosing a boiler, consider the size of your home, where you live, your heating needs, and your budget, as these factors can determine which replacement option makes sense in your situation.

  • What is the cheapest alternative to a gas boiler?

    In terms of installation and purchase costs, electric boilers are often a cheaper alternative to gas boilers, though the ongoing costs may end up being more.

    In contrast, an air source heat pump may be more expensive to purchase and install than both electric and gas boilers, but the operational costs are often lower, meaning you save over the long term.

    You can also supplement your existing system with solar thermal panels, as this can produce a lot of your hot water, which would take some pressure off your boiler, leading to cost savings and a reduced carbon footprint.

  • Should I replace my gas boiler with a heat pump?

    Transitioning to a heat pump system could be a smart move, as it can not only benefit you financially, but it also benefits the environment.

    The UK government is pushing for a shift away from traditional gas boilers, and there are incentives available for people looking to switch to more renewable options, like the Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS). This could offset some of the cost of switching.

    Ground and air source heat pumps are also highly effective, so you can enjoy all the other benefits whilst also enjoying a superior heating and cooling system.