
wood furniture restoration in Woburn (2)

Furniture refurbishing in Woburn

Are you looking for furniture refurbishing services in Woburn. If so, you’re in the right place. With Checkatrade, you can contact furniture refurbishment specialists in your area.

Here are two ways we can help you to find the best furniture refurbishing experts in Woburn:

  1. Scroll up to see a variety of tradespeople offering furniture refurbishing services in Woburn

  2. Or, you can try our request a quote feature. Describe the work you need doing, and we’ll send your details to three furniture refurbishing experts in Woburn. They’ll then contact you with quotes

  • Can you refurbish old furniture?

    Yes. Unless the furniture is extensively damaged almost all old furniture can be refurbished.

    If you have an antique piece of furniture or furniture with sentimental value, a furniture refurbishment specialist will restore it to its original quality.

  • Is it hard to refurbish furniture?

    This depends on the condition of the furniture. Some furniture can be easily refurbished through cleaning, repair work, and refinishing.

    Other furniture refurbishment projects will require specialist skills and experience.

  • What is the difference between refinishing and refurbishing furniture?

    Refinishing furniture is a longer and more complex process than refurbishing.

    When refurbishing furniture, some light cleaning is required and some repair work to retain the original structure of the furniture.

    Refinishing furniture, on the other hand, involves completely removing the existing finish. This can be done by chemical stripping or sanding the furniture.

    Once the original finish is removed, the surface can be stained, varnished, or painted to create a new finish.

  • What are the benefits of refurbishing old furniture?

    There are many benefits of refurbishing old furniture. Some of the most popular include:

    • Cheaper than buying a replacement

    • Eco-friendly option

    • Increase in value

    • Preservation of an antique

    • Increased lifespan

    • Enhanced aesthetic

    • Restoration of a loved piece of furniture

  • What is the process of refurbishing furniture?

    This will depend on the condition of the furniture and the materials it is made from. Cleaning and repair work are the first things to tackle when refurbishing furniture.

    You may then need to carry out some sanding and refinishing to complete the restoration process.

    For wooden furniture with any fabric areas, these may have to be removed and the item of furniture reupholstered with new materials.