
Air Source Heat Pump Servicing in Flitwick (11)

Search results



9.89(160 reviews)

Operates in Flitwick

Services & skills

Central Heating
Air Source Heat Pump Servicing / Repair - ASHP
LPG Central Heating Installation
Smart Thermostats
Emergency Central Heating Repair
B. Baah & Co Limited Logo

B. Baah & Co Limited

9.96(20 reviews)

Operates in Flitwick

Services & skills

Central Heating
Air Source Heat Pump Servicing / Repair - ASHP
Gas Boiler Installation
Gas Central Heating Servicing / Repair
Gas Central Heating Installation
Neat Heat UK Ltd  Logo

Neat Heat UK Ltd

10(138 reviews)

Operates in Flitwick

Services & skills

Central Heating
Air Source Heat Pump Servicing / Repair - ASHP
Gas Boiler Servicing / Repair
Smart Thermostats
Gas Cooker Installation
RJ's Plumbing & Heating Logo

RJ's Plumbing & Heating

9.69(24 reviews)

Operates in Flitwick

Services & skills

Central Heating
Air Source Heat Pump Servicing / Repair - ASHP
Gas Boiler Servicing / Repair
Gas Boiler Installation
LPG Central Heating Servicing / Repair
NCS Property Maintenance Logo

NCS Property Maintenance

9.84(216 reviews)

Operates in Flitwick

Services & skills

Central Heating
Air Source Heat Pump Servicing / Repair - ASHP
Air Source Heat Pump Installation - ASHP
Gas Boiler Servicing / Repair
Gas Central Heating Installation
Climasafe Heating Solutions Limited Logo

Climasafe Heating Solutions Limited

9.98(81 reviews)

Operates in Flitwick

Services & skills

Central Heating
Air Source Heat Pump Servicing / Repair - ASHP
LPG Central Heating Installation
Gas Central Heating Installation
Air Source Heat Pump Installation - ASHP
Bishop Home Improvements Logo

Bishop Home Improvements

9.91(25 reviews)

Operates in Flitwick

Services & skills

Central Heating
Air Source Heat Pump Servicing / Repair - ASHP
Plumbing & Heating Svcs Ltd Logo

Plumbing & Heating Svcs Ltd

10(43 reviews)

Operates in Flitwick

Services & skills

Central Heating
Air Source Heat Pump Servicing / Repair - ASHP
Gas Boiler Installation
LPG Central Heating Servicing / Repair
Smart Thermostats
P & R Mechanical Logo

P & R Mechanical

(65 reviews)

Operates in Flitwick

Services & skills

Central Heating
Air Source Heat Pump Servicing / Repair - ASHP
Oil Boiler Installation
Smart Thermostats
Gas Central Heating Installation
Townsend Plumbing Ltd Logo

Townsend Plumbing Ltd

9.93(7 reviews)

Operates in Flitwick

Good availability

Services & skills

Central Heating
Air Source Heat Pump Servicing / Repair - ASHP
Air Source Heat Pump Installation - ASHP
Emergency Central Heating Repair
Gas Central Heating Servicing / Repair
Flo-Rite UK Logo

Flo-Rite UK

(71 reviews)

Operates in Flitwick

Services & skills

Central Heating
Air Source Heat Pump Servicing / Repair - ASHP
Gas Safety Checks - CP12
Gas Cooker Installation
Gas Central Heating Servicing / Repair

Air source heat pump servicing in Flitwick

You can find plenty of experienced air source heat pump servicing experts in Flitwick.

We have two quick and easy ways to find the heat pump repair experts in your area:

  1. Scroll up to see the local air source heat pump servicing engineers in Flitwick

  2. Use our handy request a quote feature and we’ll find them for you – tell us what you need doing, we’ll reach out to the best heat pump servicing specialists near you and they'll contact you directly

  • What is the lifespan of an air source heat pump?

    Heat pumps are generally considered to have a long life, and the average lifespan of an air source heat pump is around 15 years.

    However, with the advances of modern technology that lifespan is growing and the latest air source heat pumps have an estimated lifespan of 20 - 25 years.

    Thanks to their design, air source heat pumps have a limited number of components that can go wrong – which leads to them having a long lifespan, especially compared to oil, gas or electric boilers.

    Factors affecting the lifespan of an air source heat pump

    The exact lifespan that you can expect from your air source heat pump will vary depending on a number of factors, including:

    • Make and model of the the heat pump

    • Size and complexity of heat pump system

    • Level of maintenance and servicing

    • Amount of use

    As with most pieces of equipment, the more you spend on your air source heat pump, the better quality it will be and the longer it will last.

    How to increase the lifespan of your air source heat pump

    The best way to keep your heat pump working efficiently for longer is to keep it well-maintained and regularly serviced by an experienced air source heat pump servicing engineer.

    In between services, there are a number of checks you can do yourself to make sure that your heat pump is working properly:

    • Check air filters once a month for any blockages and clean or replace the filters, if needed

    • Inspect your heat pump outdoor unit regularly, especially after any harsh weather to make sure it’s not blocked by leaves, dirt, ice or snow

    • Clean the outdoor coils if they get dirty, using a heavy duty degreaser and wash them down afterwards (just remember to turn off the unit before you start cleaning)

    • Monitor refrigerant levels and pressure to keep your air source heat pump running properly – any drop in refrigerant level or pressure could indicate your heat pump system has a leak

    • Keep the fan blades clean by regularly checking for a build up of dirt and debris – turn off the unit before checking or cleaning the blades

    • Cut back any plants or shrubs near your outdoor unit to allow for proper airflow and space for regular servicing and maintenance

    Want to find the best air source heat pump servicing experts near you?

    If you want to speak to experienced air source heat pump servicing engineers in your area, we’re here to help. We can help you find the best local tradespeople in two easy ways.

    You can either browse local air source heat pump servicing experts with our quick and easy online search. Or, alternatively, use our handy request a quote tool and we’ll do the legwork for you and get multiple air source heat pump servicing engineers in your area to contact you directly.

  • Should air source heat pumps be serviced?

    Yes, absolutely. Regular servicing is important to keep your air source heat pump working properly and efficiently – and for most heat pump manufacturers it’s a requirement to validate their warranty.

    An annual service will provide your air source heat pump with a health check to keep in optimum condition – just like you’d carry out an MOT for a car.

    When booking a service for your heat pump, always make sure you hire a qualified and experienced local air source heat pump servicing expert who knows what they’re doing.

    When is the best time to service my air source heat pump?

    We would recommend getting your air source heat pump serviced before winter – so that it’s ready for the colder months when you’ll need it the most.

    By carrying out the service in autumn you can identify any issues that need fixing and get them sorted before the cold winter days.

    Benefits of servicing an air source heat pump

    There are many reasons why it’s a good idea to have your air source heat pump serviced regularly:

    • Increases the lifespan of your heat pump (to up to 20+ years)

    • Removes bacteria and odours by cleaning and unclogging filters, fan blades, and coils

    • Enhances the efficiency of your heat pump

    • Minimises the chance of the major issues occurring or the system breaking down

    • Validates your manufacturer's warranty

    In many cases, the company that carries out the installation of your heat pump should offer you a maintenance and service plan so that you can spread the cost over 12 monthly payments.

  • Can you service a heat pump yourself?

    Servicing a heat pump is not a DIY job, unless you happen to be an experienced heat pump engineer. Otherwise, we would highly recommend that you hire a local air source heat pump servicing expert to carry out the service for you.

    A professional heat pump servicing engineer knows what signs to look out for of potential issues that could get worse

    Successful air source heat pump servicing:

    • Requires specialist knowledge and an understanding of how a heat pump works

    • Needs to be thorough to cover all components and complete all necessary checks

    • Must be carried out by a qualified heat pump engineer in order to validate the manufacturer’s warranty

    • Will ensure that your heat pump is given a full MOT and gives you peace of mind that it’s working safely and efficiently

    How to find a good local heat pump servicing expert

    When hiring an air source heat pump servicing engineer, you want to make sure you're hiring an experienced and reliable tradesperson.

    Here are our top tips for choosing the best heating engineers in your area:

    1. Use Checkatrade to get recommendations (shameless self-promo!) and search thousands of quality tradespeople who have passed up to 12 thorough checks to meet our standards of becoming a member

    2. Request quotes from at least 3 tradespeople to make sure you’re paying a fair price for your heat pump service – use our handy request a quote and we’ll contact multiple local tradespeople in your area for you

    3. Make sure they have relevant qualifications and experience and check if they’re registered with the relevant trade associations or national schemes, such as TrustMark or Competent Person Scheme

    4. Choose tradespeople with local experience who will have a working knowledge of the local area, such as energy schemes or initiatives that you could benefit from

    5. Ask for customer references to get feedback from their previous customers about the quality of the air source heat pump services they provide

  • Should I leave my air source heat pump on all the time?

    As a general rule, it’s recommended that air source heat pumps are never fully switched off in order to retain a steady temperature – although it depends on the weather and temperature conditions of where you live.

    Sometimes, you’ll actually end up using more energy if you turn your heat pump down when you are away or asleep than you would by leaving it on all the time.

    The reason for this is that your air source heat pump has to work harder to get your home back to the desired temperature than it does to keep it constantly at one temperature – so yes, you should leave your air source heat pump on all the time if you can.

    It’s always useful to check the different modes on your heat pump to see what options there are, and then tailor your heat pump’s settings to the weather conditions.

    Does my heat pump need to run all the time in the UK?

    In places with milder climates, like the UK, our temperatures aren’t usually extreme so an air source heat pump doesn’t necessarily need to run all the time.

    Depending on the temperature outside and how much heat you need in your home, you may find you use your heat pump intermittently in warmer months and more constantly in the colder winter months.

    The exact specification of your air source heat pump system will also affect how you achieve optimum performance from your heat pump. So, we’d recommend speaking to local air source heat pump experts to find out exactly how best to use your heat pump for maximum efficiency.

  • What happens to my heat pump if there’s a power cut?

    In the event of a power cut and your heat pump switching off altogether, it will take a little while to get back up and running again to full capacity. Always check the manufacturer’s instructions to confirm whether this restart will happen automatically or if you need to manually reset your heat pump.

  • How often should you clean heat pump coils?

    The coils of your heat pump are an important component to keep your heating system running efficiently, so keeping them clean is important to maintain optimum performance from your heat pump.

    Over time, dirt and debris can get pulled into the heat pump system and build up around the heat pump coils – which prevents heat from being transferred effectively to the refrigerant passing through the coils.

    With that in mind, ideally your heat pump’s coils should be cleaned at least twice a year, along with the fan blades and air filters.

    By regularly cleaning the heat pump coils you’ll ensure that the system is working efficiently, which in turn means it will last longer and need fewer repairs.

    How to clean heat pump condenser coils

    It is possible to clean heat pump coils yourself, as long as you use the right products and take care when cleaning.

    Here’s a summary of how to clean your heat pump’s condenser coils:

    1. Turn off the main power so that it’s safe to clean your heat pump (the main power switch is usually located in the eyesight on the exterior wall)

    2. Clear the area around the condenser unit to ensure that there’s sufficient airflow for your heat pump to operate properly – cut back any plants and shrubs to at least 18 inches from the heat pump unit

    3. Remove the outer piece of the condenser unit – that’s the bit that protects and covers the condenser and, once removed, should expose the metal fins

    4. Clean the metal fins of the fan using a soft-bristle attachment on your vacuum cleaner and using water to clean off any dirt – taking care to avoid spraying water directly onto any of the electrical connections of the fan

    5. Clean the heat pump coils by spraying a condenser cleaning solution (available from most local home improvement retailers) over the coils, which will help you remove any dirt and debris that has built up. You can also use regular dish soap and water to carry out this cleaning step

    6. Replace the outer piece of the condenser unit and turn the power back on, and you’re good to go. Job done

  • How much does it cost to get a heat pump serviced?

    The cost of servicing a heat pump can vary depending on where you live in the country and the individual air source heat pump servicing engineer that you hire.

    Below are the average prices for servicing your heat pump in the UK.

    Air source heat pump servicing costs

    The average cost of a heat pump service in the UK is around £150 – £300

    Air source heat pump servicing plan costs

    Most air source heat pump manufacturers will require you to have an active service plan in place to validate your warranty.

    Heat pump servicing plans are usually available with either a monthly or annual fee and can vary in price.

    The average air source heat pump servicing plan is somewhere in the region of £10 - £20 per month, depending on the level of service that’s included.

    To find out more about prices, check out our guide to heat pump servicing and repair costs.

    Factors affecting air source heat pump servicing costs

    There are various factors that will impact the cost of air source heat pump servicing. They include:

    • Size of your heat pump system

    • Age of your heat pump

    • Make and model of heat pump

    • Quality and quantity of any replacement parts needed

    • Demand for heat pump repair services (seasonal and emergency demand)

    • Access to the heat pump

    • Where you live

    Quotes for air source heat pump servicing costs

    To get accurate air source heat pump servicing costs in your area, we always recommend getting at least three quotes from local heat pump servicing specialists near you.

    Thankfully, our request a quote tool makes getting multiple quotes super easy. Simply post details about the work that you need help with and we’ll send it out to the best local tradespeople in your area who will contact you directly. Try it out – it's quick and easy!

  • What is involved in an air source heat pump service?

    An air source heat pump service will provide a thorough check of the inner and outer parts of your heat pump system.

    An qualified air source heat pump servicing engineer will usually carry out the following steps as part of the servicing process:

    1. General visual inspection of the heat pump unit – The first step of a service is typically a visual check of the exterior parts of your air source heat pump, as well as all ducts, filters, blower and indoor coils

    2. An electrical safety check – All the electric terminals and connections should be checked and cleaned / tightened, where needed

    3. Thermostat check – Various tests will be carried out to make sure that the heat pump’s thermostat is responding properly

    4. Refrigerant level check – It’s important to that your heat pump maintains the right level of refrigerant, and the engineer will refill if needed and check for any leaks

    5. Check for any leaks – If any problems are discovered then the heat pump servicing engineer will seal any leaking ducts or repair damaged pipework

    6. Assessing pressure levels - The pressure level of your heat pump system will be checked to ensure there aren’t any issues with sudden unwanted drops or rises in pressure

    7. Airflow check – By measuring the airflow of your heat pump system the engineer will be able to check that it’s at a sufficient level to function properly and, if not, they should resolve any issues affecting the flow of air to the heat pump

    8. Cleaning filters and coils – Any dirty or damaged will be cleaned or replaced as needed

    9. Inspect all large components – Various tests and checks will be carried out to make sure that the major parts of your heat pump system (such as the compressor, fan, and pump,) are in good condition and working properly

    10. Lubricate any moving parts of the heat pump – The engineer will check all motors and moving belts and lubricate where needed

    11. Replacement of any small parts, such as seals or gaskets – As part of the service, if the engineer notices any small parts of your heat pump are damaged then they will be replaced

    Ready to book a service for your air source heat pump?

    If you’re ready to get going with your heat pump servicing, we can help you find the best local air source heat pump servicing engineers in your area.

    You can either use our quick and easy online search to find and contact local heat pump experts yourself. Or, alternatively, request a quote and we’ll do the legwork for you by reaching out to the best local tradespeople near you and we’ll get them to contact you directly.