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Biomass boiler servicing and maintenance in Deal

Finding companies who offer biomass boiler maintenance and servicing in Deal doesn’t need to be complicated. We can help save you time and energy.

We’ll even show you biomass boiler servicing professionals in Deal who are recommended by your neighbours.

There are two ways to find biomass boiler servicing companies, so you can either:

  1. Search online for biomass boiler maintenance experts in Deal and contact them directly.

  2. Or, to save time, use our request a quote feature. Just send us the details of the job you need doing and we’ll pass it on to three biomass boiler servicing professionals in Deal. They’ll then send you a personalised quote.

  • How long do biomass boilers last?

    Biomass boilers have a range of benefits including low running costs and high efficiency. And, the good news is that these boilers are designed to last. Most biomass boilers can be used for 20 years before they need to be replaced.

  • Why is biomass boiler servicing important?

    No matter what type of boiler you have, servicing is essential to keep your boiler functioning properly. Regular servicing for your biomass boiler helps it to stay efficient, reliable, and keeps emissions low.

    While paying for a boiler service may seem like a waste of money, this is not the case. Potential issues can be picked up before they cause your boiler to stop functioning and services can highlight any safety concerns.

  • Who can service a biomass boiler?

    Unlike gas boilers, biomass boilers can be serviced by anyone with the experience and qualifications to work on these boilers. You don't need to hire a gas safe engineer, but picking someone with the proper training is essential.

    If you’re looking for a biomass boiler servicing professional, there are a few ways of making sure you hire the right person for the job. Make sure they:

    • Have years of experience working with biomass boilers

    • Have positive reviews on Checkatrade

    • Have the proper qualifications

    • Have a friendly and professional manner

    • Have time to answer any questions you may have

  • How often should a biomass boiler be serviced?

    This depends on how much you use your boiler, the amount of maintenance you carry out and the fuel quality you use. If your biomass boiler is running all day every day, you may need an earlier service than for a boiler that only runs a few hours a day.

    If you carry out regular maintenance, you can leave a little longer between services.

    So, how often should a biomass boiler be serviced? As a rough guide, you should book a biomass boiler service at least once a year.

  • How much does a biomass boiler service cost?

    Paying for biomass boiler servicing could save you paying out for large scale repairs in the future. The amount you’re charged will depend on the size of your boiler, where you live and the fuel you use. As a rough guide, you can expect to pay between £180 and £450 for a boiler service.

  • How much does boiler cover cost?

    Sticking to a budget? It may be difficult to find the spare cash to pay for an annual biomass boiler service. A great solution to this one off cost is to pay for boiler cover. You simply pay a monthly fee that covers any necessary repairs and regular servicing.

    Wondering how much boiler cover costs? You can expect to pay between £9-£13 a month however biomass boiler cover may be more expensive. Our boiler service cost guide has more prices and advice.

  • How much does it cost to replace a biomass boiler?

    If you’re having issues with your biomass boiler, it’s over 20 years old, or you can no longer find spare parts, you may need to consider a replacement. This does require an investment but your new boiler will be more efficient, reducing your fuel costs. If you do need a new biomass boiler, the average cost is £10,000.

    Biomass boiler installation cost As well as paying for your new biomass boiler, you’ll need to budget for installation. Hiring a professional to fit your biomass boiler ensures it’s safe to use and properly installed. The average boiler installation cost is £3,000.

  • Why is biomass boiler maintenance important?

    Biomass boilers aren't too difficult to maintain but without proper maintenance, your boiler won’t function properly. Maintenance is essential to make sure your boiler is safe to use and runs efficiently.

  • How do you clean a biomass boiler?

    Maintaining a biomass boiler involves cleaning and checking its components. This should be done regularly to prevent problems from developing. Below we’ve summarised the cleaning process:

    1. Make sure to switch off the boiler before carrying out any maintenance.

    2. Each week, remove and clean ash out of your boiler.

    3. If your biomass boiler uses logs, you’ll need to clean your boiler daily, leaving a bed of ash for the next use.

    4. For log biomass boilers, check the air vents are unrestricted daily.

    5. Each week, check the feed system for any blockages or build up of pellets.

    6. Regularly clean the flue and heat exchanger

  • Looking for biomass boiler servicing/maintenance in Deal?

    Why spend hours searching Google for biomass boiler servicing professionals? Let us help speed up the process. Our members each pass 12 checks so you can have peace of mind you’re hiring the best tradesperson every time. They’re even recommended by your neighbours.

    We can help you find professionals who offer biomass boiler maintenance/servicing in Deal in two easy ways. Firstly, our free search feature is a great way of seeing a range of experts in your area, using just your postcode.

    Alternatively, why not try our request a quote feature? Fill in our online form with all the details of your job and we’ll find three trustworthy companies who offer biomass boiler servicing in Deal. They’ll then contact you to either ask for further information or to send you a quote.