
Boiler Fitter in City Of Aberdeen (3)

Boiler fitter in City-of-Aberdeen

Are you looking for qualified boiler fitters in City-of-Aberdeen? If so, you’ve come to the right place.

At Checkatrade, our member database includes a wide range of boiler fitters working in City-of-Aberdeen.

To find the best boiler fitters in your area, Checkatrade can help.

Scroll up to the top of the page to find your search results for Checkatrade boiler fitters near you.

Or, you can also use our simple request a quote system to contact qualified, fully vetted, and highly skilled boiler fitters in your area.

  • Can any plumber install a boiler?

    No, not just any plumber can install a boiler. The person installing the boiler is legally required to be Gas Safe registered, as this confirms they’re qualified to work on gas appliances.

    When dealing with a plumber or gas engineer, you can request to see their Gas Safe Register card to verify their credentials, or you can check the Gas Safe Register website.

  • How much does a plumber charge to install a boiler UK?

    The average day rate for boiler installers is £300. While some jobs only take around 4 hours to complete, most fitters will charge a day rate, or a quote for the project.

    The process may also last a couple of days if new pipework needs fitting, which you should take into consideration.

  • Can electricians fit boilers?

    Fitting boilers is more than just an electrical job because it also involves working with plumbing and gas supply too.

    An electrician certainly could fit a boiler, as long they had the right qualifications, training and Gas Safe registration.

    With that said, your boiler fitter is unlikely to be an electrician, as they’re more commonly made up of plumbers and gas engineers.

  • How much is a decent boiler in the UK?

    You can get a good boiler for between roughly £500 and £3,000. Here are some approximate boiler costs:

    • Combi boiler: £1,500 + VAT

    • System boiler: £1,300 + VAT

    • Conventional boiler: £2,000 + VAT

    These costs can vary. Get a quote from a local boiler fitter for the most accurate cost.

  • How do I choose a boiler installer?

    Choosing the right boiler fitter is important because the installation quality affects the longevity and efficiency of the system.

    One sure way to connect with a quality tradesperson is to use our online directory. In general though, just verify that they are Gas Safe registered and that they have excellent online reviews.

    You can also ask friends and family who installed their boilers and choose the same person or people.

  • Do you need to turn water off to fit a boiler?

    Yes, typically the water supply to the whole house needs turning off during boiler installation. This prevents flooding when disconnecting and reconnecting pipes.

  • What does a new boiler installation include?

    Here’s an overview of the boiler installation process:

    1. Inspection. The boiler fitter determines what boiler you need based on your heating requirements

    2. Quotation. They provide a cost estimate covering parts, labour and the boiler

    3. Removal of old boiler. The old boiler is disconnected and removed

    4. Installation of new boiler. The new boiler is fitted, connected to electrical supplies, water and gas

    5. System flushing. To remove any potential debris, the fitter flushes the system

    6. Filling and testing. The fitter fills and tests the new system

    7. Demonstration. They teach you how to operate the new boiler

    8. Registration and paperwork. The installation is registered with the local authority

    The process may differ slightly for different boiler types, with the installation process for electric boilers being slightly more straightforward.

  • Where is the best place to get a boiler installed?

    Each property is different, but often the best place to install a new boiler is where your old boiler was. Building regulations may also dictate where it needs to be.

    If using the same place as your old boiler isn’t possible for whatever reason, consider factors like accessibility, ventilation, noise, safety and aesthetics when deciding where to put your boiler.

    Typical locations include in the kitchen, cellar, utility cupboard, loft or in a hallway cupboard. Your boiler fitter can advise on the best location for your home.

  • Do you need access to all radiators when fitting a new boiler?

    Boiler fitters typically need access to all radiators during installation for a few reasons. First, it enables them to flush and test the system, which is essential for a high-quality installation. These activities can increase the longevity of your new system.

    They also need access to radiators to balance the system, which refers to adjusting radiator valves to ensure equal heat distribution throughout the house. Boiler fitters can also find any leaks or problems with radiators during these checks.