
Central Heating Fitters in Bracknell (182)

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Central heating fitters in Bracknell

You've come to the right place to find qualified central heating fitters in Bracknell!

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  • Can I fit my own central heating?

    No, you can't fit your own central heating system. Only a fully qualified and professional central heating fitter should fit your central heating.

    Remember, any work involving gas appliances must be carried out by a Gas Safe registered professional. It is illegal to even attempt this yourself. Working with gas is also extremely dangerous.

    Because the process is highly technical and mistakes can lead to the system being inefficient and potentially hazardous, it’s definitely recommended to hire specialist central heating fitters.

  • How long does it take to fit a central heating system?

    How long it takes to install a new central heating system depends on a few factors.

    For example, swapping an old boiler for a new, similar boiler takes at least six hours.

    Switching to a new kind of boiler can take up to three days, so it’s best to do this kind of work in summer, if possible.

    The most complicated and time-consuming job is installing an entirely new system, which can take up to two weeks. This involves radiator installation, fitting new pipework and working beneath your flooring.

    If you expect the process to take multiple days, it’s best to plan ahead to avoid being left without heat.

    To get an accurate estimation on how long your job will take to complete, speak to our central heating fitters in Bracknell by scrolling up and requesting quotes on different fitters near you.

  • How much value could installing central heating add to my house?

    Installing a new boiler during a renovation adds about 4% to the property value. You could potentially add even more value if you bought the property without central heating, as this could make it much more appealing and liveable.

    It’s important to note that installing a brand new central heating system may cost more than you stand to gain, meaning you lose money on your investment. However, if you bought the property in a run-down condition and without an existing system, you could see a significant return.

    Also, since central heating is typically expected, many buyers may not consider a property without it. So, it may be necessary to install central heating even if you don’t profit from it, just to sell the house.

  • Do plumbers install central heating?

    Plumbers are sometimes involved in the installation process, particularly to deal with the water-based aspects like fitting radiators and pipes.

    Although, if the central heating system involves a gas boiler, a Gas Safe registered engineer must carry out the work.

    Plumbers can also be Gas Safe registered, so they might install the whole system. Or, a gas engineer may have the skills and experience to install the water-based components.

  • How do I install central heating in an old house?

    The process of installing central heating in an old house is the same as in a new house. One of the only notable differences is that installing in an old house may mean you require a larger boiler, as old houses typically have worse insulation.

    New houses are also built with central heating in mind, contrasting with some older buildings. This means they often have designated spaces for boilers and easy routes for pipework, which can make the installation process quicker.

    Here’s an overview of how to install central heating in an old house:

    1. Plan the system. This step involves deciding things like what type of boiler you need, where to place radiators, and where to put the boiler.

    2. Install the boiler. A boiler engineer fits the appliance in the chosen location.

    3. Install the radiators. Radiators are fitted according to the plan.

    4. Run the pipework. Pipes are installed under floors and inside wall cavities to conceal them.

    5. Install controls. A thermostat, timer controls or more advanced controls are set up.

    6. Fill and test the system. The system is filled with water and checked for leaks.

    Commission the system. The system is turned on, tested and the radiators are adjusted to ensure balanced heating.

  • How much does it cost to install central heating?

    The cost of central heating installation depends on the type of system.

    For example, oil systems cost about £6,150, electric systems cost £3,790, and gas systems cost £5,250 to install on average.

    It’s always worth requesting at least three quotes from local central heating fitters to get the best deal.

  • Can I get free central heating installed?

    Yes, if you qualify for national or regional grants or schemes, it’s possible to get free central heating installed.

    For example, the Warm Homes Fund, established by the National Grid and administered by Affordable Warmth Solutions, aims to help low-income households improve their energy efficiency and heating capabilities. Your local council can apply for this on your behalf.

    There’s also the Energy Company Obligation Scheme, which requires energy companies to support low-income households with their energy efficiency and may include installing central heating.