
media wall specialist in Sowerby Bridge (13)

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Media wall installer in Sowerby-Bridge

Are you looking for media wall installers in Sowerby-Bridge? If so, you’ve come to the right place.

To find the best media wall installers in your area, Checkatrade can help. Simply:

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  • How is a media wall built?

    A media wall is a living room installation that houses entertainment devices, like TVs, games consoles, sound systems, set-top boxes, and all their cables. They act as centralised entertainment hubs and keep living rooms neat and tidy, while also being modern and fashionable.

    How a media wall is built depends on the design and its complexity, as they can be simple TV mounts with a few shelves, or they can be elaborate built-in units that cover an entire wall, with additions like lighting and fireplaces.

    In general, building a media wall involves creating a structured space on a wall that combines storage units, shelves and a mounting area for a TV. Joiners build and install cabinetry with a place to conceal cables, and they sometimes incorporate lighting and other features. These spaces are often personalised according to the homeowners’ tastes.

  • Are media walls a good idea?

    Media walls can add value to your house because they’re highly functional as well as fashionable. They provide a place to neatly store all your entertainment equipment, and their sleek, seamless appearance fits in perfectly with modern design trends.

    A media wall may be a good idea if you want a stylish focal point for your living room, as well as less clutter. It may not be a good idea if your home has a more old-fashioned aesthetic.

    Consider your budget, what look you’re trying to achieve, available space and other practicalities to figure out what’s right for you.

  • What is the minimum depth for a media wall?

    Media walls need a depth of roughly 16 inches at least, but the minimum size really depends on the size of the equipment you want to store or display.

    It’s also important to think about the overall aesthetic and design you’re trying to achieve, as a sleek, minimalist design might call for a shallower depth, for example.

  • Does a media wall need ventilation?

    Yes. Media walls often house equipment like games consoles, which overheat without proper ventilation. Including some ventilation holes and allowing cool air to circulate can keep your devices in good condition.

    Some media walls even include fans when there are multiple high-power devices operating, as this prevents a potentially dangerous heat build up.

  • How long does it take to install a media wall?

    Around 1-2 days. More complicated setups may take longer, and more simple ones could take just a few hours.

  • Why are media walls so expensive?

    Media walls can be expensive depending on various factors, like the quality of materials used, the complexity of the installation, the brands of the equipment you purchase and whether walls need reinforcing, to name a few.

    It’s possible to keep costs down with a bit of creativity. For example, you could use MDF instead of solid wood, buy second-hand electronics, repurpose existing shelves and units, and attempt a DIY installation.

    For more information on the cost of media walls, check out this guide.

  • How big should a media wall be?

    Your media wall needs to be able to accommodate a TV and any other equipment you want to house. Many people construct media walls from stud walls, which are the protruding parts of walls where fireplaces traditionally appeared.

    Others turn entire walls into media walls. Be sure to leave enough room for the TV and storage space for your devices, then decide what makes sense for you considering your budget and space constraints.

  • Can you build your own media wall?

    You may be able to build your own media wall if you have good DIY skills, though it’s best to leave it to the professionals for best results, especially if your design is complicated and includes things like a fireplace.

    Simpler designs may be easier to build, such as those involving a few materials and less cutting and measuring. Consult a media wall installer to figure out the best course of action.

  • How high should a TV be for a media wall?

    TVs should be mounted at eye level when seated - which is about 42 inches from the floor - according to experts.

    This may look different in each living room depending on the size of the TV and how far away it is from the sofa, but generally, you want the middle of the TV at eye level when seated.