
underfloor heating installers in Wigan (30)

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Underfloor heating installers in Wigan

Finding underfloor heating installers in Wigan doesn’t need to take all day.

Here are two ways we can help you find underfloor heating specialists in your local area:

  1. Scroll up to see a range of underfloor heating installers in Wigan

  2. Or, fill in our request a quote form with information about your underfloor heating requirements. We'll then send this to three underfloor heating installers in Wigan for quotes

  • How does underfloor heating work?

    Installing underfloor heating in your home is a great way to keep your living space warm and cosy. There are two types of underfloor heating, and they work in different ways.

    Water underfloor heating is made up of a circuit of pipes that are installed below your flooring. These pipes span the entire area of your room and are filled with warm water from your boiler. The water is constantly replenished, diffusing heat through your floor.

    Electric underfloor heating is a newer technology that doesn’t require a connection to your boiler. This type of underfloor heating comprises a range of mats and wires that form a coil pattern under your flooring. The wires are then heated using electricity to warm your floor and home.

  • How long does underfloor heating take to warm up?

    This really comes down to the type of underfloor heating you choose.

    • Electric underfloor heating will start warming up immediately, heating your floor in minutes

    • Water underfloor heating, on the other hand, can take up to three hours to fully heat your floor and home. This means planning ahead is vital

  • How much does underfloor heating cost?

    There are different factors that’ll affect how much you pay for underfloor heating:

    • Size of room - The larger the room where underfloor heating is installed, the more you’ll pay

    • Type of heating system - Depending on whether you choose electric or water underfloor heating, the price will vary

    • New build or renovation - Whether your home is a new build or you’re renovating will affect how much you pay for underfloor heating

    • Age of home - Older homes may need extra work in order for underfloor heating to be installed, pushing up the price

    • The number of rooms - The more rooms you plan to install underfloor heating in, the higher the cost

    • Location - Labour prices will vary depending on where you live in the UK

    Underfloor heating cost

    As a ballpark price guide, underfloor heating installation and materials from a professional will cost anywhere between £500 – £8,000.

    You can find more prices and information in our underfloor heating cost guide.

  • How much does underfloor heating cost to run?

    If you’re wondering how much it costs to run underfloor heating, consider the below points:

    • Size of home - The bigger your home is, the more energy will be needed to heat your living space. This means big homes will be more expensive to heat than small homes

    • Insulation - Depending on the amount and type of insulation you use in your flooring, the cost of running underfloor heating will vary

    • Floor space - The larger the area of floor space where underfloor heating is installed, the higher your running costs will be

    • Energy provider - Each provider charges different amounts for energy

    • Frequency of use - The more you use your underfloor heating, the more you’ll pay

  • How do you install underfloor heating?

    We do not recommend installing underfloor heating as a DIY job. As well as installing the heating, you’ll need to remove and reinstall the flooring, so we’d recommend hiring a professional.

    If you're interested in the process, take a look at our how to install underfloor heating guide.