
Wind Turbines in West Bridgford (2)

Wind turbine installers in West-Bridgford

Finding wind turbine installation companies in West-Bridgford doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, we can help you find wind turbine contractors in minutes. They even come with the recommendation of your neighbours.

Here are two ways you can find wind turbine installers in your area:

  1. Search online for wind turbine installation companies in West-Bridgford and contact them directly.

  2. Save time by using our handy request a quote feature. Send us all the details of your job and we’ll forward these to three local wind turbine contractors. They’ll then get in touch with you to offer you a quote.

  • What are wind turbines?

    You may have noticed commercial wind turbines on a recent countryside drive. In essence, a wind turbine is a great way of transforming wind energy into electricity that can be used to power a building. The larger the wind turbine, the more energy it can generate.

    You may not know that wind turbines aren't just for commercial use, they can also be used to power your home.

    In fact, installing a wind turbine is a great way to sustainably produce electricity.

    How does a wind turbine work?

    Wind turbines work using blades that are designed to catch even small breezes. The blades turn, activating a turbine which rotates a generator. This generator then produces electricity.

    The blades are usually curved allowing them to get the most out of the available wind. Wind turbines are available in a range of sizes for different functions.

    What are the different types of wind turbines?

    There are two common types of wind turbine, horizontal axis and vertical axis. Each type is designed to create as much electricity as possible.

    Horizontal axis wind turbines can rotate to face the oncoming wind.

    Vertical axis wind turbines have a different type of blade that works from any direction of wind.

    In addition, there are three categories of wind turbine. These include:

    • Roof mounted domestic wind turbines - Used to power your home and installed on your roof to catch as much wind as possible.

    • Freestanding domestic wind turbines - Very effective, these turbines are installed somewhere on your property at ground level.

    Commercial wind turbines - Used to power factories, industrial buildings and other businesses, commercial wind turbines generate huge amounts of power.

  • Pros and Cons of Wind Turbines

    What are the advantages of wind turbines?

    Wind turbines are a great option in that they use a sustainable energy source. This is good news for the planet and your bank balance.

    The main advantages of wind turbines are:

    • Sustainability - There’ll always be wind to power your turbine
    • Carbon footprint - Wind is a clean energy source that has no carbon footprint
    • Long lasting - Wind turbines can produce power for up to 25 years
    • Fossil fuels - No fossil fuels are needed to power your wind turbine

    What are the disadvantages of wind turbines?

    While wind turbines are the perfect choice for many homeowners, as with anything, they do have their drawbacks. These include:

    • Effectiveness - On days with very little wind, your turbine may struggle to make enough electricity to power your home
    • Noise - Wind turbines are not silent, although the noise they produce is quite low
    • Wildlife - There is a small threat to birds and other wildlife if they fly into your wind turbine
    • Cost - The more powerful your wind turbine, the more it’ll cost so you’ll need an initial investment
  • How much energy does a wind turbine produce?

    Wind turbines can be up to 50% efficient during windy days. This means they capture a lot of the wind's energy that’s then converted into electricity.

    How much energy does a wind turbine produce? Well, this will depend on the type and size of your turbine but a domestic wind turbine can generate between 1kW and 15kW.

  • How much does a wind turbine cost?

    As we mentioned above, there are many different types of wind turbine available. This makes it difficult to estimate how much a wind turbine costs. The following factors will impact your wind turbine price:

    • Size of turbine - Larger turbines produce more electricity but will cost more

    • Number of turbines - The more turbines you install, the higher the price

    • Location of turbine - Whether your wind turbine is installed on your roof or freestanding will affect its cost

    • Size of your home - Larger homes need more electricity so you’ll need to pay more for a powerful wind turbine

    • Location - Depending on where you live in the UK, labour costs can vary

    • Access - If your property is difficult to access this can increase your labour costs

    Wind turbine installation cost

    Considering the above factors, let's look at a few wind turbine installation cost examples.

    If you plan to use a small roof mounted wind turbine, this will cost an average of £1,500. Alternatively, the installation cost for a freestanding wind turbine will vary from £7,000 to £70,000 depending on how powerful it is.

    For reference, a commercial wind turbine is capable of generating a huge amount of power and will cost between £345,000 and £3.13 million. You can find more prices and advice in our wind turbine cost guide.

  • How do you build a wind turbine?

    Building a wind turbine is not an easy job, mostly because you need to ensure it’s up to code, safe to use and you have the right legal permissions. To avoid a lot of unnecessary headaches, we’d recommend having a wind turbine installed professionally.

    If you’re curious how to build a wind turbine, we’ve summarised the process below:

    1. Decide how large your wind turbine needs to be
    2. Check whether you need permission before getting started
    3. Read up on building regulations in relation to wind turbines
    4. Buy or build your wind turbine blades
    5. Buy a generator to convert the wind power into electricity
    6. Install the spindle
    7. Fit the spokes
    8. Install the magnets
    9. Attach the spindle to the tower
    10. Install the turbine main assembly
    11. Fit the electrical components of your turbine (these should be checked by an electrician before use)

    It’s an extremely technical job. Do consult a professional about getting a wind turbine installed.

  • Want to speak to wind turbine installers in West-Bridgford?

    If you’re looking for wind turbine installation companies in West-Bridgford, it’s important to choose the right worker for your job. Check to make sure they’re qualified and have experience in fitting wind turbines.

    For a trustworthy wind turbine contractor, our members are a safe bet - they have to pass thorough checks, and they’re recommended by your neighbours. Even better, we guarantee their work - that’s how much we trust the quality of each of our members’ work!

    So, how can we help you find wind turbine installers? Well, you have two options. Firstly, our online search feature is completely free. Just add your postcode and we’ll show you a range of wind turbine installation companies in West-Bridgford.

    Alternatively, our request a quote feature is a great option for busy homeowners. Fill in our online form and we’ll find three wind turbine contractors near you. We’ll pass them your details and they’ll contact you directly with three personalised quotes.