
Concrete Contractor in Gateshead (46)

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Concrete driveway contractors in Gateshead

If you’re looking for concrete driveway installers in your local area, let us help speed up your search.

Here are two ways of finding local concrete driveway specialists:

  1. Scroll up to see concrete driveway companies in Gateshead then contact them directly

  2. Or, try our request a quote feature. Send us the details of your job and we’ll forward your information to three concrete driveway contractors in Gateshead. They’ll then get in touch with quotes

  • What are the advantages of concrete driveways?

    Choosing a new driveway can completely transform your home's exterior. Plus, there are a wide range of different materials, colours, designs and styles to choose from.

    Concrete is one of the most popular materials used to finish a driveway. So, if you’re considering a concrete driveway, it may help to know you can expect the following benefits:

    • Maintenance - Concrete driveways need very little in terms of maintenance, it’s unlikely weeds will show up in the first 20 years

    • Price - Concrete driveways can be an affordable option if you’re sticking to a budget

    • Finish - Concrete driveways can be very attractive to both guests and potential buyers

    • Durability - Concrete is a strong and durable material that’ll last for years to come

    • Weatherproof - Concrete driveways are designed to withstand any type of weather. Another bonus is that on hot days, concrete will stay cool

    • Variety - Concrete driveways come in a wide range of colours and patterns

  • What are the disadvantages of concrete driveways?

    While concrete driveways have a number of advantages, that doesn't mean they don't also have a few drawbacks. These include:

    • Stains - Most concrete driveways are quite light in colour which makes them more susceptible to staining

    • Repairs - Concrete can be difficult to repair as it doesnt come in individual pieces that can be easily replaced

    • Cracks - Unfortunately, concrete driveways can crack over time

  • What alternatives are there to concrete driveways?

    Of course concrete isn't the only driveway material available. If you aren't sure whether a concrete driveway is right for your home, consider the following alternatives:

    • Tarmac

    • Gravel

    • Stone paving

    • Asphalt

    • Porcelain paving

    • Resin bound

  • How much does a UK concrete driveway cost?

    The price you pay for a concrete driveway will vary depending on a few key factors. So, if you’re setting a budget for this job, bear the following variables in mind:

    • Size of driveway - The larger your driveway, the more materials and labour time is required. This will increase your concrete driveway cost

    • Type of concrete - Concrete is available in different colours and finishes, the type you choose can impact how much you pay

    • Shape of driveway - If your driveway is a simple square, this will be cheaper to install than a complex shaped driveway

    • Quality of concrete - The higher the quality of concrete you use, the longer your driveway will last but it’ll also cost more

    • Condition of driveway - If your driveway is in poor condition, repairs may be necessary which can add to the amount you pay

    • Location - Labour costs can vary throughout the UK

    Concrete driveway cost

    One of the benefits of concrete driveways is that they’re quite affordable. Depending on the above factors, the average concrete driveway cost is £90 per m2. For more driveway prices and advice, visit our driveway paving cost guide.

  • How much does it cost to remove a concrete driveway?

    If you have an old concrete driveway that needs to be replaced you’ll probably be interested to know how much this will cost. Similar to installing a new driveway, this price will vary from job to job. For example, the size of your driveway, the depth of the concrete and whether specialist equipment is required will affect the price.

    Generally your concrete driveway removal cost will include the cost of the labour plus any equipment and skip hire. As a rough guide, the average concrete driveway removal cost is £2,000. For more prices and information, check out our guide on the cost to remove concrete driveways.

  • How do you lay a concrete driveway?

    Laying a concrete driveway is definitely not a quick or easy job. We’d recommend hiring a professional. Still, wondering how you lay a concrete driveway? We’ve summarised the process below:

    1. Check whether you need permission

    2. Draw up plans of the size and shape of your driveway

    3. Order the right amount of concrete

    4. Gather materials and tools including forms and reinforcement materials

    5. Prepare the driveway by adding sand or clay to the soil

    6. Mark the shape of your driveway

    7. Build forms

    8. Lay a base and compact

    9. Add any reinforcement materials

    10. Mix the concrete

    11. Pour the concrete

    12. Flatten the concrete

    13. Add contraction joints

    14. Add texture and cure the concrete

  • How do you repair a concrete driveway?

    When it comes to repairing a concrete driveway, it isn't as simple as removing the damaged piece. Small cracks can be filled, however, large areas of damage will need to be completely removed and replaced. This can require specialist equipment to remove the concrete and lay new concrete. As such, this job is best left to the professionals.

  • How do you clean a concrete driveway?

    If your concrete driveway has become dirty and worn, now’s a great time to give it a good clean. You can do this using the below methods:

    • Pressure washing

    • Concrete cleaner

    • Bleach diluted with water

    • Specialist stain remover

    • Dish soap

    • Baking soda