
toilet repair in Paignton (16)

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Toilet Repair in Paignton

Issues with your toilet can be unnerving, but not to worry, you’ll be able to find trustworthy toilet repairers in Paignton quickly here on Checkatrade.

Scroll to the top of the page to view all your search results for Checkatrade-approved toilet repair specialists in your local area.

You can also use our simple request a quote system to contact plumbers who offer toilet repair services in your local area.

  • Do I need a plumber to fix a toilet?

    This depends on the problem with the toilet. For toilets that won’t stop running, the cistern mechanism may need replacing. This can usually be done by a competent DIYer with some plumbing experience.

    If you have a toilet blockage or an overflowing toilet bowl, then it’s best to hire a plumber to fix the problem.

  • How much does a plumber cost to fix a toilet in the UK?

    The average plumber will charge around £50 per hour. Therefore, small problems that can be fixed pretty quickly will be reasonably cheap.

    For more complex issues involving replacing parts or even replacing the entire toilet system and connected pipework and drainage, a full day’s work may be required.

    This could cost around £347.50 per day. Have a read of our plumber cost guide to find out how much toilet repairs could cost.

    How much does it cost to fix a running toilet in the UK?

    Fixing a running toilet will probably involve replacing some of the parts or the entire toilet syphon.

    To replace a toilet syphon costs on average £50 per hour for labour and around £15 to £25 for replacement parts in the UK.

    For an accurate quote, speak to toilet repairers in Paignton

    How much does a plumber charge to fix or replace a toilet fill valve?

    A plumber may charge between £57 and £75 to fix or replace a toilet fill valve.

    For an accurate quote, speak to toilet repairers in Paignton

    How much does it cost to repair a toilet flange?

    Replacing a toilet flange will cost around £70 and £100.

    For an accurate quote, speak to toilet repairers in Paignton

  • What happens if you don’t fix a running toilet?

    A running toilet can lead to flooding, which means that you could end up with wider issues than just what you have with your toilet; leaks, damp, discoloured walls and ceilings, and worse, collapsed ceilings.

    A running toilet can also be noisy. This is particularly annoying in en-suite bathrooms when trying to get to sleep.

    Over time, the problem can get worse and if other seals or valves within the system deteriorate, water could eventually overflow from the toilet bowl causing extensive damage.

    Leaks from the cistern, the toilet bowl or any associated pipework should also be fixed as soon as possible to prevent unnecessary problems.

  • How long should a toilet last?

    When well looked after and regularly maintained a good quality toilet can last around 50 years.

    For toilets that are poor quality, have been badly installed, or are not well-maintained, they may only last for 10 to 15 years.

  • How do I know if my toilet fill valve is broken?

    If your toilet fill valve is broken, it means that your toilet won’t be working as efficiently as it should. Some signs of a broken toilet valve include:

    • A constantly running toilet

    • Toilet won’t flush or the flush is weak

    • It takes a long time to fill the cistern after the toilet is flushed

    • A strange hissing sound coming from your toilet cistern

    If you’ve noticed any of these problems, you probably need to replace your toilet fill valve.

  • Can you repair a cracked toilet cistern?

    This depends on the size of the crack. Hairline cracks can be repaired and made watertight using silicone plumbing epoxy.

    For larger cracks or cracks that penetrate all the way through the bowl, you will probably need to replace the toilet.