
emergency roof leak repair in Lanarkshire (14)

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Emergency roof leak repair in Lanarkshire

Are you looking for emergency roof leak repair companies in Lanarkshire? Scroll up to the top of the page to find your search results for Checkatrade emergency roof leak repair companies near you.

  • What qualifies as an emergency roof leak?

    If you see any signs of water, for example, water stains on your walls/ceilings, or water dripping, then this needs to be sorted right away.

  • How quickly should an emergency roof leak be addressed?

    A roof leak should be addressed as soon as you notice it. Call an emergency roofer and try and limit the damage to your home by placing a bucket to collect water and moving possessions.

  • What are the risks associated with an untreated emergency roof leak?

    An untreated roof leak can lead to costly problems such as structural damage, damp and mould, electrical hazards and potential pest infestations.

    We recommend getting it fixed right away.

  • Can homeowners temporarily fix an emergency roof leak themselves, or is it necessary to hire an emergency roofer?

    We would not recommend getting on a roof to fix a leak, always hire a professional. However, there are things you can do inside to try and contain the leak, such as putting a bucket underneath and moving any possessions away. This will prevent further damage.

  • What steps should be taken to mitigate further damage during an emergency roof leak?

    There are a few things you can do to limit the damage a roof leak can cause:

    • Move anything you can out of the way of the leak. A leaking roof is bad enough, so move any possessions or furniture out of the way of the leak

    • Contain the water. If you can, try to collect the water in buckets to reduce the damage to the surrounding area of your home

    • Take photos in case you need them for an insurance claim