Home And Garden Jobs For The May Bank Holidays | Checkatrade
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Home and garden jobs for the May bank holidays

With not one, but two, bank holidays in May, plus a half-term holiday, there's plenty of opportunity to get cracking with some home and garden projects!

For many homeowners, the Early May Bank Holiday, the Spring Bank Holiday, and the May half-term create the ideal opportunity to get the house and garden ‘in order’ ready for the warmer weather ahead.

In this post, you’ll find a selection of home and garden jobs that are popular with homeowners at this time of year, including:

  • Quick wins to be completed over the course of a few hours
  • Larger tasks that typically require some expert help
  • Transformative projects best left to the professionals
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Popular home and garden jobs for the May bank holidays

The weather is warming up, the evenings are longer, and flowers are blooming. If you’ve got a list of home and garden jobs you’ve been putting off until the weather is better, now’s the time for action!

Quick wins

Ready to do some gardening during the Early May Bank Holiday? Fancy a good declutter on the Spring Bank Holiday weekend? Perhaps you’re keen to get the paint out for a spot of decorating. Keep reading for our top tips and expert guidance to embark on these projects (and more!) with ease.

Man mowing the lawn

1. Garden

With longer days ahead, the garden becomes more enticing, and there are plenty of jobs to tackle to help keep your outdoor space in top condition.

  • Keep an eye out for late frosts and protect tender plants
  • Plant out summer bedding plants, lift and divide clumps of spring-flowering bulbs, and open greenhouse vents on warmer days
  • Get rid of weeds, mow lawns weekly, and water frequently
  • ‘Earth up’ potatoes, install stakes to support tall plants such as peas and beans and tackle any pests such as aphids or slugs

Want to refresh your hard landscaping?

Need some help with your outdoor space?

A gardener on average charges £30 per hour. Find a quality local gardener.

2. Garage declutter

If you dream of a clean, organised garage but aren’t sure how to get started, this one’s for you.

Garage organisation with a handy pegboard for tools

In five easy steps, you can create the garage space you desire before the Early May Bank Holiday weekend is out!

  1. First, make a plan and gather supplies
  2. Then empty, sort, and categorise your garage items
  3. Next up, it’s cleaning and repairs
  4. Decide on your new layout
  5. And finally, organise your storage

Ready to give it a go?

Read our guide to decluttering your garage in one day. And if you’re tackling a large clearout, you may need a skip. Find out about the cost of skip hire.

Unsure where to start? There are professionals who can help you to declutter!

Search for trusted and approved decluttering services near you in our leading directory. You won’t regret it!

Could a garage conversion be on the cards?

We’re all guilty of using our garage as a dumping ground. If you’ve decluttered to the max, you might feel that your garage could be put to better use.

Check out these 15 garage conversion ideas. The right conversion could add up to 20% to the value of your home!

3. Update with paint

Peach living room decor
AI concept image

Paint is a cost-effective update that’ll instantly give your home a fresh look and feel.

Upcycle your furniture

Woman painting a chair at home

Why not update your furniture with a coat of paint? It’s great for the planet, your wallet, and immensely satisfying—it’s the perfect bank holiday activity!

Paint your exterior woodwork

Mint green coloured garden summerhouse

Now the days are drier and warmer, it’s the ideal time to paint exterior woodwork. Feeling bold? Go for a pop of colour on your shed or summerhouse!

Prefer a little help?

Look no further than the Checkatrade site to find a professional painter and decorator near you. The average rate of a painter at £325 per day is well worth the investment.

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Larger tasks

May is also a time for getting organised and booking in some important jobs from a maintenance and safety point of view. Four of the most popular jobs at this time of year include:

1. A home safety check

Use the long bank holiday weekend to give your home a full safety check.

2. A car service

Make sure your car is in safe working order with a regular service. Did you know you can find top-rated local mechanics on Checkatrade?

New fascias and soffits on a house

3. Fascia, soffits, and gutter replacement

Replacing worn fascias, soffits, and gutters will make sure your home is properly protected from the elements and give it an instant facelift.

Find out the cost of fascia, soffit, and gutter replacement.

4. Blown window replacement

Blown windows create a cloudy appearance, and can also negatively affect your home’s energy efficiency.

Call in the experts

At Checkatrade, we make it easy to find local trades you can rely on. Whether you need an electrician, mechanic, glazier, or any other trade, you’ll find the top-rated professionals in our leading directory. Enter your postcode below to get started.

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Transformative projects

Now we move on to the larger-scale projects that have transformative powers. First up, the kitchen.

Bright and airy kitchen

1. A new kitchen

The kitchen is the heart of the home, and if yours isn’t working for you, you don’t have to live with it.

Our comprehensive planning guide to kitchen renovation will help you embark on every aspect of this home improvement project with confidence.

2. A house renovation

Home renovations can eliminate the need to move house, creating the space you crave in your existing property.

3. Air conditioning installation

Even in the UK, air conditioning is considered worth the investment, as important as good heating in winter to our health and wellbeing.

Learn more about the cost of air conditioning installation.

Find a local expert

If you’re inspired to complete a few home and garden jobs in May but could do with some help, we’ve got you covered. Not only will choosing a professional tradesperson mean a top-quality finish, but it’ll free up more of your time to relax during the extra bank holidays!

Simply enter your postcode to the search box below, tell us what you need help with and we’ll share the top-rated professionals in your local area.

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