
emergency plumber in Norwich (15)

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Emergency plumbers in Norwich

Whether you’ve just discovered a burst water pipe, a blocked toilet, your shower has sprung a leak or you cannot get hot water, you’ll need an emergency plumber.

Scroll up and you’ll be able to find 24 hour plumbers in Norwich.

Each emergency plumber has been checked by us, approved, and reviewed by their customers.

Short on time to search through your local emergency plumbers on Checkatrade?

We can find an emergency plumber for you. It’s easy to do through our request a quote feature.

Send us the details of your job and we’ll pass this information on to emergency plumbers in Norwich. They’ll then get in touch with you.

  • When should you call an emergency plumber?

    Emergency plumbers have the flexibility to come quickly no matter the time and if you have a serious plumbing issue, calling someone ASAP is essential. If you aren't sure what’s considered a plumbing emergency, below is a list of scenarios where you’ll need to hire an emergency plumber:

    • Blocked toilet - If you have more than one blocked toilet, you may not be in a hurry to call a plumber. However, a blocked toilet can pose a risk to your health and is considered an emergency.

    • Zero water - If you turn on your taps and no water comes out, this is classed as a plumbing emergency

    • Burst pipes - Getting a plumber to fix burst pipes should be done immediately to minimise damage

    • Floods - Big water leaks can cause serious damage to your home and should be dealt with as a priority

    • Running taps - Taps that won’t switch off can lead to leaks and flooding so need to be repaired as soon as possible

    • Dirty water - If the water coming out of your taps is dirty, this needs to be fixed as a priority

  • How much does an emergency plumber cost?

    Plumbing issues can be stressful and cause serious problems at home. Sometimes plumbing problems occur late at night, during holidays or at weekends and during these times you’ll need to call an emergency plumber.

    Emergency plumbers have the flexibility to come quickly no matter the time and if you have a serious plumbing issue, calling someone ASAP is essential. If you aren't sure what’s considered a plumbing emergency, below is a list of scenarios where you’ll need to hire an emergency plumber:

    The cost of hiring a 24 hour emergency plumber in Norwich will vary from job to job. Often an emergency plumber will charge double what a normal plumber would charge for any labour needed. This means the average emergency plumber cost is £100 per hour.

    You can find more prices and information in our plumber cost guide.

  • How much is an emergency plumber call out charge?

    One key difference between an emergency and non-emergency plumber is the call out fee. This will be higher due to the urgency of your situation and the plumber needing to work outside normal business hours. The average emergency plumber call out fee is £110.

    For more costs and handy tips, check out our plumber call out fee guide.

  • How do you pick an emergency plumber?

    You can be safe in the knowledge that our members pass up to 12 rigorous checks. If you’re still a little worried about inviting a stranger into your home, ask yourself the following questions when choosing an emergency plumber:

    • Do they have positive reviews on Checkatrade?

    • Are they qualified?

    • Do they have years of experience?

    • Do they sound friendly and professional?

    • Do their prices seem fair?

    Answering yes to most or all of these questions should help to reassure you that you’re hiring the right expert.

  • How do you deal with plumbing emergencies?

    If you’re dealing with a plumbing emergency, acting quickly can prevent further damage to your home. Below are a few tips for what to do if you’re having a plumbing emergency:

    • Turn of your water and power supply

    • Switch off your water heater

    • If you have one available, use a pipe clamp to stop water flowing out of a burst pipe

    • Use a bucket or tub to catch water that’s leaking

    • Call an emergency plumber immediately

    • Don't use a toilet that’s blocked

  • What warrants an emergency plumber?

    Any plumbing problem that can cause serious damage to a property or that needs immediate action to fix requires an emergency plumber.

    Some common reasons to call out an emergency plumber include:

    • Burst pipes

    • Broken boiler

    • No water flow

    • No hot water

    • Blocked drains

    • Overflowing toilet

    • Taps that won’t turn off

    If you can isolate the problem at a mains water supply cock, you may be able to attempt to fix the problem before resorting to an emergency plumber.

  • How long do emergency plumbers take?

    Emergency plumbers usually aim to arrive at emergency call outs in under 30 minutes. This can extend to up to two hours depending on whether they’re already attending an emergency call out and their location in relation to yours.

    Most emergency plumbers offer a 24hr call out service 365 days of the year.

  • What to do with a leak while waiting for a plumber?

    Leaking water can cause extensive damage to your home. If you can identify and access where the leak is coming from, there are a few things that you can do while waiting for an emergency plumber to arrive.

    • Use a bucket to catch drips

    • Turn off the water mains where possible

    • Soak up the leaking water with towels

    • Dry the area around the leak and apply a bandage to reduce leakage

    • Check all nearby electrical appliances are turned off

    • Move any furniture or soft fittings

    You could also take some photographs to help the plumber to assess the situation when they arrive.