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Underfloor heating specialists in Silsden

Are you looking for underfloor heating specialists in Silsden? Then you’ve come to the right place. At Checkatrade, we have a range of underfloor heating specialists based in Silsden.

There are two ways we can help you find underfloor heating specialists in Silsden:

  1. Scroll up to see a range of underfloor heating specialists located near you

  2. Or, fill in your details using our request a quote form. Make sure that you include information about your job, and we’ll send this to underfloor heating specialists in Silsden. You will then receive quotes direct to your inbox from tradespeople who can help with all your underfloor heating needs

  • How does underfloor heating work?

    Underfloor heating works by using electric elements or water pipes to heat up the ground underneath the floor.

    There are three main types of underfloor heating:

    • Electric

    • Hydronic

    • Infrared

    Hydronic systems are the most popular choice. They are powered by a boiler or heat pump that heats water that is passed through a network of pipes underneath the floor.

    Electric underfloor heating systems work via an ultra-thin heating wire installed under the flooring. When turned on, the wires heat up, heating the floor surface by using radiant heat.

    Infrared heating systems work in a similar way to electric underfloor heating. They are more efficient, however, and also more expensive to install.

  • What kind of boiler should be used with an underfloor heating system?

    Any type of boiler can be used with an underfloor heating system. A condensing boiler is the most efficient type of boiler to use with an underfloor heating system.

    Combi boilers, conventional gas and oil boilers, and air source heat pumps can also be used to power hydronic underfloor heating systems.

  • Why are plastic pipes used for underfloor heating?

    Plastic pipes are more tolerant of movement and more versatile than copper pipes. Therefore, they are more suited to use in underfloor heating systems.

    As many underfloor heating systems are installed directly onto the insulating boards on a concrete sub-floor, a good level of flexibility and tolerance is required.

  • How effective is underfloor heating?

    Underfloor heating is an effective alternative to traditional radiators.

  • What types of flooring can be used with underfloor heating?

    Most flooring types can be used with underfloor heating. Flooring suitable for underfloor heating include:

    • Ceramic and stone tiles

    • Polished screed and resin

    • Vinyl and linoleum

    • Laminate flooring

    • Carpet

    Tile and stone floors are the best option for underfloor heating because of their high thermal conductivity.

    Solid wood floors are not recommended for use with underfloor heating. The high temperature can dry out the wood, causing shrinkage and creating gaps in the floor.

  • Can solar power run underfloor heating?

    Yes. Just like any other electrical systems in your house, solar panels can be connected and used to generate power.

  • Can you power underfloor heating elements using a battery?

    Yes. Using a battery, however, is not the most efficient way to power underfloor heating elements.

    Batteries have limited power generating capacity. Even when using a rechargeable battery system, you won’t be able to constantly run your underfloor heating like you would using other methods.

  • How do you tile over underfloor heating?

    When tiling over underfloor heating systems it is important to use a flexible floor levelling compound to ensure that the grout and adhesive does not move when tiled.

    Tiles should then be embedded into a specialist flexible concrete and allowed to set for at least five days before the heating system is used.

  • Can you have underfloor heating with concrete floors?

    Yes. Concrete floors have a high thermal mass making them perfect for use with underfloor heating systems.

    They heat up quickly, retain heat effectively, and can even store heat when the system is not in use.

  • Can underfloor heating go on top of floorboards?

    Yes. Underfloor heating can easily be laid on top of floorboards or any other type of subfloor.

    Both electric and hydronic underfloor heating systems can be installed directly onto floorboards before the new floor surface is laid on top.

  • Which is best for a gas central heating system: radiators or underfloor heating?

    Radiators are cheaper to install and to run than underfloor heating systems.

    Underfloor heating systems, however, can be more efficient than radiators. Have a read of our underfloor heating cost guide for a more detailed comparison.

  • Is electric underfloor heating expensive to run versus other central heating systems?

    This depends on the age and efficiency of the heating system. Our underfloor heating cost guide provides more details about the costs involved.

  • How many thermostats are needed for underfloor heating?

    One thermostat per room is recommended for effective underfloor heating controls.

    In larger rooms, sometimes referred to as zones, you may require more than one thermostat.