
Gas Cooker Installation in Musselburgh (17)

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Gas cooker installation in Musselburgh

If you’re looking for gas cooker installation professionals we can help you find the perfect tradesperson for your job.

There are many excellent gas cooker fitters in Musselburgh who come recommended by your neighbours.

To find a qualified gas cooker installer, try one of the following options:

  1. Look online for gas cooker fitters in Musselburgh and contact them directly.

  2. Save time by using our handy request a quote feature. Send us all the details of your job and we’ll send them to three experienced tradespeople to get in touch with you.

  • How do gas cookers work?

    Gas cookers work by combining gas and air with a spark or fire to create a controlled flame. This can then be used for cooking or heating food and drinks.

    They’re an alternative to electric cookers that run on electricity. You can also control the size of the flame using knobs to choose the exact heat you need.

  • Why choose a gas cooker?

    When it comes to choosing a cooker for your home, the two obvious choices are gas or electric. Some of the excellent benefits of choosing a gas cooker include:

    • The option to precisely control the heat of your cooker

    • Gas hobs are very efficient at heating pans quickly

    • Using gas is generally cheaper than electricity

    Please note, while gas cookers have a range of benefits, electric cookers tend to be safer to use. This can be handy for elderly homeowners.

  • Who can fit a gas cooker?

    When it comes to fitting a gas cooker, you need to ensure that the engineer you hire is qualified to complete the installation.

    According to the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998, your gas cooker can only be legally installed by a Gas Safe Registered engineer.

    Can I fit a gas cooker myself?

    While it’s possible to fit a gas cooker yourself, it is illegal unless you are a Gas Safe Registered engineer.

    Remember, working with gas can be dangerous and if you complete the installation yourself you’re putting your family and home at risk.

    Having said that, technically you could do some of the work yourself. However you can't connect your cooker without it being checked over by a qualified engineer.

    To learn more about gas cooker installation, see our can I connect a gas cooker myself guide.

  • How much does it cost to fit a gas cooker?

    It's a little tricky to say exactly how much it’ll cost to fit a gas cooker without considering a few factors.

    For example, think about whether your cooker is:

    • Single or double

    • Built in or freestanding

    • Dual or single fuel

    • Compact or standard sized

    The price will also be affected by whether the cooker has a hob or not. As a rough guide, gas cookers cost between £200 and £1,000 before installation.

    Gas cooker installation cost

    The gas cooker installation cost you pay could start from as little as £150. This price is for a like for like replacement. If your cooker is built in, this cost will rise to an average of £275.

    For more prices and advice, check out our oven installation cost guide.

    How much does it cost to run a gas cooker?

    Gas cookers are usually cheaper to run than electric cookers, making them great for homeowners on a budget. In fact, gas cooker running costs may be less than half the price of electric oven running costs.

    For example, the average price to run a gas cooker is 6p per kWh while the average price to run an electric cooker is closer to 14p per kWh. Depending on how often you use your oven, this can make a huge difference in running costs.

  • Do gas cookers need regular servicing?

    While it isn't a legal requirement, regular servicing can keep your gas cooker functioning efficiently and help you avoid future issues. Many cooker manufacturers advise you get your gas cooker serviced each year for safety.

  • How to fit a gas cooker

    As we mentioned previously, a gas cooker should only be installed by a Gas Safe Registered engineer.

    If you’re curious how to fit a gas cooker, we’ve summarised the process below:

    1. Turn off the gas supply to the property and disconnect the cooker lines

    2. Move the old cooker out of the way

    3. Cover the pipe joint with Teflon tape

    4. Connect the gas hose to the new cooker

    5. Check for gas leaks using leak detector spray

    6. Move the cooker into position

    7. Make sure the cooker has been checked by a Gas Safe Registered engineer before using

    You can find more information on the gas cooker installation process in our can I connect a gas cooker myself guide. There you’ll also see detailed steps for connecting the gas cooker hose and pipe.

    Want to speak to a gas cooker fitter in Musselburgh?

    Gas cookers are a great and affordable choice for most homes, but it’s essential that your gas cooker is installed by a qualified professional. If you’re looking for gas cooker installation in Musselburgh we can help you find the right engineer for your job.

    Finding gas hob fitters through Checkatrade couldn't be easier, just try our free search feature. Simply type in your postcode to see a list of our trusted members in your local area.

    Alternatively, you can use our request a quote feature. Give us the details of your job and we’ll do the legwork in finding three qualified gas hob fitters near your home. They’ll then get in touch with three quotes.